"I live by the sea" is a booklet that highlights the rights and responsibilities of citizens who live in the protected marine and coastal areas of Ecuador.
I Live by the Sea was developed and presented last year within the framework of the project “Policies and Legislation for the Conservation of Coastal Marine Ecosystems and Resources in Continental Ecuador” and was developed by Conservation International Ecuador (CI-Ecuador), DFID, Fauna & Flora International, and the FFLA.
This booklet is intended to guide Ecuadorian citizens living in the coastal area of the country on their rights and duties and on the guarantees that the State grants for compliance with national regulations, in relation to the administration of the marine and coastal space of Ecuador.
This publication was developed by the Environmental Law and Management Corporation Ecolex within the framework of the “Marine Landscape of the Eastern Tropical Pacific” project, implemented by CI-Ecuador in collaboration with a broad network of public institutions, universities and NGOs in Ecuador.
The development of this educational booklet also received support from the General Directorate of Maritime Interests (DIGEIM), through the Coastal Marine Environmental Education Program (PEAMCO) of the Ecuadorian Navy, in coordination with the Ministries of Education, Health, Environment and National Defense.
It is now possible to read, download and share or print it from Ballenita Sì Online
Contact: Xavier Chalen, xchalen@conservation.org