The earth, the fear, the laughter, the pots, the stars, the people, the fire, the rain.
The sounds, the visions, grandmothers, grandparents, the malokas, the girls, children, the hammocks, women, the hugs, the songs, the looks, nettles.
The hopes, the learnings, the moon, families, the aromas, the sunrises,
meals, the reliefs, the walks, doubts, the understandings, the moans, lpeace, snoring, the stories.
The sounds, the visions, grandmothers, grandparents, the malokas, the girls, children, the hammocks, women, the hugs, the songs, the looks, nettles.
The hopes, the learnings, the moon, families, the aromas, the sunrises,
meals, the reliefs, the walks, doubts, the understandings, the moans, lpeace, snoring, the stories.
The brothers, tobaccos, the leaves, cures, ornaments, snakes, chills, candles, reliefs, insects, the real, the illusory.
Insects, promises, punishments, jaguars, dreams, the moon, the firsts, the waits, the lasts, the embers, the smiles, the returns.
By: Chaski from PachaMamita