There was a game many years ago that we all participated in at some point: "Se quema el pan" (The bread is burning).

In the town of Santa Elena, children almost always played this game at night, which consisted of hiding a piece of clothing and looking for it. Whoever found it deserved to lead it.
So one night the neighborhood kids were playing looking for the garment; one of them found the rope they had hidden and began to pull on it while it continued to grow as if it had no end.
Intrigued, the boys decided to go find the origin of this mystery, meeting a man from whose backside was coming out the rope, which had actually been the devil's tail.
They all ran out, too scared to tell their families what had happened. Since then, the children no longer play this game at night for fear of being chased by the devil.
Nelson Salinas Solano, 1945, St. Helena, St. Helena
Myths and legends of the Santa Elena Peninsula
Compiled by Maria Teresa Alvarez and Sol Damerval