Official tourist information that confuses

A couple traveling in their vehicle and lost in Ballenita asks "What is the [...]

The real giants of Sumpa

When paleontological fossils were found in Tanque Loma near [...]

10 uncomfortable truths about sustainable tourism and sustainability

A small list of "uncomfortable truths" about SUSTAINABILITY, which although known by many; [...]

Declaration for a Latin America Free of Transgenics.

After almost two decades of the first introduction of transgenic crops in Latin America, this [...]

«The Salado Arm» – (Poetry)

On a long walk, earlier than the neighbor's rooster, a fresh wind came [...]

Which companies are interested in the current round of tenders in Ecuador?

Drawing made by a child from the Ecuadorian Amazon Towards the end of last year, the former minister [...]

Machachi, what a shame!!!. (Opinion. Animal Abuse)

By: P. Rasa Bihari D. Absolutely outraged, this video clearly shows all the stupidity, [...]

Ecuador: One year after the decisive ruling, Sarayaku's struggle continues.

The Ecuadorian government must do more to protect the human rights of indigenous peoples.

Poetic Terrorism.

TERRORISM. That "bad word" that usually brings to mind images of dozens or [...]


Neither firearms, nor killer dogs, nor electrified fences, nor sold-out authorities will stop the [...]