History and Humpback Whales in Ecuador
Representation of dolphins on a tortero (instrument used for weaving). Manteño culture (500-1500 AD) By: Cristina [...]
The following guidelines have been developed for responsible whale watching operations. If you [...]
Let us respect and support bans for the conservation of marine species
The closed seasons are the period of time in which hunting or fishing is prohibited; their [...]
Toxic substances and e-waste in computers.
According to a study by the United Nations, the production of a single computer requires 240 kilograms of [...]
Myths about computers and energy
With the massive appearance of computers, some of our certainties disappeared, such as [...]
The tattoo through time.
By: Nicolás Díaz Reinoso Whether it is for its colors, its designs, or what [...]
Impacts of marine litter on birds
Like other marine species, birds can also be impacted by garbage [...]
The Surf Route is part of the attractions of the Spondylus Route, and [...]
The guerrillas or the multinationals?
This is what Manuel and I were wondering while we were talking about the guerrilla, natural resources and the [...]
Guayaquil. 1st International Film Festival on Isolated Indigenous People
Indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation need your support Guayaquil. Even though the issue [...]