Category Archives: agricultura familiar
Ancestral Agriculture: an answer for the future.
Can heritage agriculture provide answers from the past for the agriculture of the future? An analysis [...]
AGROECOLOGY AND LOCAL MARKETS Why consume agroecological products?
By: Hugo CHAMBILLA [1] Given the deterioration of the food agroindustry that comes from the revolution [...]
The Seed Route. From ancestral knowledge to peasant practices.
The Chilean documentary “La Ruta de las Semillas” helps to reveal, share and strengthen the [...]
Ecuador: State and multinationals against traditional seeds
"Just as the (Ecuadorian) State is a partner of Syngenta, Monsanto, Agripac and Ecuaquímica, it should be [...]
13 reasons to have and maintain a garden at home.
“The life of the farmer is the best calculated for happiness and virtues [...]
Healthy Food and Food Sovereignty will bring together thousands of people.
The largest and most important Agroecological Fair in Ecuador will take place this Friday, October 16th.
Denmark, the first country in the world to have 100% organic agriculture
Denmark will be the first country in the world to have organic farming by law. The [...]
Organic products to reduce pesticides
Four organic products that aim to reduce the use of agro-toxins in the [...]
In Ecuador, genetically modified soy is sold without consumers knowing it.
In Ecuador, transgenic soy is being freely sold (in grain and through products [...]