Category Archives: DESTINOS.

Bird watching in the Ecuasal wetland.

With the first rays of sun, the silence of the Ecuasal wetland in Mar Bravo, [...]

LA CHOCOLATERA, the most prominent point of the Sta. Elena Peninsula.

La Chocolatera owes its name to the chocolate color that the sea has when due to [...]

The real giants of Sumpa

When paleontological fossils were found in Tanque Loma near [...]

Ayampe, a hidden gem in Ecuador's Pacific

Finca Punta Ayampe Between the lush green of the hills and sandy beaches of the [...]

Sweet Life on the Spondylus Route

Benito's Sweets in the La Entrada commune (Spondylus route), with a wide [...]

Birdwatching Map on the Spondylus Route

Ecuador, despite being one of the smallest countries in South America, is [...]

Birdwatching on the Ruta del Sol

Our country has one of the greatest diversity of birds in the entire American continent. [...]

Bird counting in Loma Alta

By Pablo Valero. Loma Alta is located in the Chongón – Colonche mountain range near the West Pacific. [...]

Montañita, the danger of leaving is having to return.

Among the visitors to Montañita are those who prefer to avoid the night there and go out [...]