Category Archives: mineria cielo abierto

Impacts of mega-mining on women and indigenous peoples.

Women and indigenous people are traditionally considered highly vulnerable groups and are therefore [...]

Green Line, free legal assistance for environmental violations and crimes

The Environmental Management and Development Corporation ECOLEX announces to the entire country a new [...]

Indigenous people murdered in ECSA's area of influence

Freddy Taish, Bosco Wisuma (Shuar educator from Morona Santiago) and José Tendentza indigenous people persecuted, criminalized [...]

Seven key points about mega-mining in Ecuador

When using a speech to convince society about sensitive issues, [...]

Ecuador on the map of countries that criminalize social protest.

Map of Criminalization for opposition to mining activity in Ecuador. In Ecuador, there has been a [...]

Sovereignties: pillars of Sumak Kawsay

IMAGE: Fetralpi The concept of sovereignty was seen as the faculty of the State to exercise [...]

Intag denounces militarization and insists on rejecting mega-mining.

We denounce to the Ecuadorian people that on Saturday, September 14, 18 trucks from the [...]

Responsible Mining? A Tale of a Tale.

The most repeated discourse today by the mining multinationals and sponsoring governments [...]

Australian example of open-pit mining for Ecuador. The “little” details they don’t tell us.

Top image, Panantza (Morona Santiago) area that President Correa announces could be the [...]

Prior Consultation, the struggle of the people to have it respected.

Prior consultation is a right and a mechanism for social participation, a process of a [...]