Category Archives: noticias

Organic farming as an alternative to GMOs.

It is possible that organic farming, which proposes not using agrotoxins and [...]

The IACHR calls for respect for the human rights of indigenous peoples

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urged its member states to guarantee the [...]

Nearly 500 archaeological pieces recovered in Guayaquil

Nearly 500 archaeological pieces, which are currently being studied at the National Institute of World Heritage [...]

10 uncomfortable truths about sustainable tourism and sustainability

A small list of "uncomfortable truths" about SUSTAINABILITY, which although known by many; [...]

ClimaCleando. Climate change awareness on two wheels.

The ClimaCleando project continues its route and since last week its journey has been rolling [...]

YAKU CANTO! Songs of resistance for Water

Since always, indigenous peoples have sung to their land, the faces and sorrows of the [...]

100 reasons to declare Ecuador free of GMOs

In the current context of Ecuador, where the Ecuadorian Government in collusion with the Assembly [...]

Incentives for responsible and ethical tourism are announced in Ecuador

The Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) through Luis Falconí (Vice Minister) and the Ecuadorian Institute of Tourism [...]

Australian example of open-pit mining for Ecuador. The “little” details they don’t tell us.

Top image, Panantza (Morona Santiago) area that President Correa announces could be the [...]

Prior Consultation, the struggle of the people to have it respected.

Prior consultation is a right and a mechanism for social participation, a process of a [...]