Category Archives: pueblos indigenas

The Landless, Waterless, Sealess, and Mangroveless People Speak

Comrade, we, the peoples, nationalities and organizations of the coastal region, have a long history [...]

PachaMama: the basis of Andean ancestral thought

The ancient inhabitants of the Andean world, that is, the original indigenous peoples, conceived the [...]

Our Amazon, Our Life, Our Reason for Being

I look around me, I see destroyed forests, fallen trees, dead animals and running rivers [...]

ECUADOR: «People will rise up in defense of water and their territories»

The National Assembly of CONAIE is held in Baños de Aguasanta (Tungurahua) in the [...]

Three different voices and six hands united in defense of the Yasuni-ITT Initiative

Requested reproduction. The interviewees come from diverse realities but marked by a common characteristic: their [...]