Category Archives: turismo responsable
Safety tips for bathers.
With the aim of strengthening the public safety of those who will visit the different beaches during [...]
The Montecristi hat. World Cultural Heritage
By Leonardo Parrini A waltz escapes from the sound of the old Victrola and merges [...]
Red and green lists for ecosystems and protected areas of the world.
Gorgona National Park. Photography: Enrique Ocampo Preparations for the preparation of the Green List of Protected Areas [...]
The lesson of Lonesome George: “No more extinct species in Ecuador”
The death of Lonesome George, the name by which Ecuador and the world [...]
Tourism for a Sustainable Future
Participants in the Rio+20 tourism side event entitled “Tourism for a Sustainable Future”
Located just two hours from Quito, it is one of the main tourist attractions [...]
CERRO BLANCO PROTECTIVE FOREST. Natural charm very close to the city
By: Emilio González Salvador. Visiting Cerro Blanco is a privilege for nature lovers, [...]
Point to Point 2012.
The POINT TO POINT: NEW SITE – TWO HEATS cycling competition is back, which [...]
Measures for sun protection
Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, however, [...]
Green Tourism is awarded.
Pallatanga enjoys a spring-like climate all year round. In the photo, a [...]