Our Amazon, Our Life, Our Reason for Being
I look around me, I see destroyed forests, fallen trees, dead animals and running rivers [...]
ECUADOR: «People will rise up in defense of water and their territories»
The National Assembly of CONAIE is held in Baños de Aguasanta (Tungurahua) in the [...]
Activists handed over documentation to the Spanish Princes on Repsol's impacts in Ecuador
One of the activists handed over the dossier to Leticia Ortiz on the impacts of Repsol on [...]
Three different voices and six hands united in defense of the Yasuni-ITT Initiative
Requested reproduction. The interviewees come from diverse realities but marked by a common characteristic: their [...]
Sarayaku calls for consistency from the Government and requests urgent compliance with the ruling.
Mr. President of the Republic of Ecuador: As you know, on 27th [...]
Amnesty International: Ecuador authorities misuse judicial system to stop protests
Press Release: Amnesty International. Authorities are using Ecuador's judicial system to deprive [...]
Indigenous peoples and extractivism. Interview with Franco Viteri (Sarayaku)
Franco Viteri, from the Kichwa people of Sarayaku, is currently a representative of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. The [...]
Once again the Assembly refuses to debate Block 31 within the Yasuní.
On the morning of Tuesday, April 3, during the Plenary Session of the [...]
NORTHERN BORDER. Global premiere today.
Today, the miniseries filmed in Ecuador called FRONTERA NORTE, which is set to premiere worldwide, [...]
Defenders of the Emerald Forests Killed
IN THE PUREST PARAMILITARY STYLE Mr. José Aguilar T., defender of the last remnants [...]