
A reforestation process with native plants in the Chongón-Colonche mountain range forest and some watersheds in the province of Santa Elena, which in its first stage will cover 600 hectares, is the agreement signed days ago by representatives of the Federation of Communes of Santa Elena (Francisco Reyes) and the National Water Secretariat (Domingo Paredes).

This first stage, which has a stipulated time of up to two years, will be financed with resources provided by Senagua at a rate of 500 dollars per hectare and will take advantage of the strengths of knowledge and experience acquired by the people of the communities involved in previous reforestation processes over 18 years.

To supply native plants to be used during reforestation, the existing infrastructure for nurseries in the Loma Alta, Salanguillo and Las Balsas communities will be used.

This new reforestation campaign is part of the correct use of lands that the MAGAP Land Plan intends to give to those that have been reverted in favor of the communes, in the process that it has been carrying out.

In addition, Senagua committed to coordinating the studies and construction of wells, the recovery of embankments and river banks to expand the reforestation areas in the forest buffer zones and the maintenance of agricultural production processes.

Once the first stage is completed, it is planned to sign a new Agreement that will allow for proper maintenance and support of the reforested areas.

The witnesses of the signing of the Agreement were the Governor of the Province of Santa Elena (Noralma Zambrano) and the Undersecretary of Hydrographic Demarcation of Guayas (Alvaro Dahik).

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