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A day of color, music and joy was experienced this morning at the Alas Peruanas University on the occasion of the presentation of "Vitrina Turística Sta. Elena 2011" at its first stop in the northern Peruvian city of Piura.

With the assistance of the Consul of Ecuador, the governor of Piura, the main authorities of this university and with the participation of hundreds of visitors who learned about our land through documentary videos, live presentations and tastings, the exhibition of this first international participation of these showcases organized by the Technical Committee of Tourism of Santa Elena (COMTECTURSE) took place for several hours.

The group Raíces de Libertador Bolívar made the audience dance with their characteristic joy, while the Spondylus Group also did their thing, drawing applause from the audience. The Peruvian artistic counterpart was the Cultural Embassy group from the Alas Peruanas University.

Félix Lavayen, executive secretary of COMTECTURSE, expressed his satisfaction with what has been experienced so far in this edition of the Tourist Showcase and gave his public gratitude to the Universidad ALAS Peruanas and especially to Lcda. Miriam Arévalos for all the collaboration demonstrated for the organization of the Showcase in the city of Piura.

Carlos Reyes, Ecuador's consul in Piura, received the Ecuadorian delegation at the consular house yesterday afternoon, where he also spoke to the media. During his participation, he expressed his satisfaction with this visit to promote tourism.

The participants of this COMTECTURSE tour visited the Catacaos artisan market yesterday and also a small artisan carob factory. The delegation leaves this afternoon for Chiclayo, where the exhibition will take place on Thursday in the city's Children's Park.

Photo: Omar Toledo

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