
In a meeting held a few days ago and attended by Otto Vera P., Mayor of Sta. Elena and more than 10 representatives of various community and educational institutions, as well as businessmen from Ballenita, the progress and current status of several of the commitments that the Municipality of Sta. Elena has made at different times regarding works for this community were analyzed.

First of all, the replacement of 218 street lights in different parts of the town was highlighted. This is one of the points that was agreed upon when the controversy over the Glorieta issue occurred (a couple of months ago). This was recently finalized.

Engineer Otto Vera stressed on several occasions that his interest is to leave works that will last over time, beyond the "candy" that Ballenita had been treated with on previous occasions. To achieve this objective, he said, he is considering several larger projects that include or will have a direct impact on Ballenita. Among them he mentioned:

1. Studies and design for the regeneration of the north and south sides of Av. Fco Pizarro; that is, the road known as Sta. Elena – Ballenita, which will have a linear park and areas for bicycle paths, walkers and joggers.

2. He mentioned that at this time different technical studies are being carried out for a rockfill (marine protection) in the area off the coast of Ballenita. On this point, the community representatives stated that it is of fundamental importance to socialize this issue in order to avoid conflict situations as has occurred on previous occasions; for this reason last Saturday there was an informative meeting with representatives of the company in charge and the community. In the first instance, there would be two main groups of those affected: surfers who practice this sport in the sector known as Pico Loco (in front of the Ballenita club) and artisanal fishermen who practice land-sea fishing.

3. The paving of several streets in Ballenita, starting with the streets that were reshaped months ago. These works should be completed before the end of the year.

4. The studies for the construction of a new boardwalk in several blocks of Ballenita will be ready in the coming months.

5. The redevelopment of the Sta. Marianita park, in front of the Carrera Sánchez Bruno School, was one of the actions that Eng. Vera said would be done immediately. This will include, according to his words, painting, children's games and planting plants. In addition, he accepted the request of the representative of said institution that the Municipality of Sta. Elena be responsible for the water bills for the maintenance of the plants.

6. The completion of the works at the Ballenita cemetery.

Otto Vera P., assured that works such as the new terminal of Sta. Elena, which is expected to be finished in a few months, will also represent a boost for Ballenita as a tourist destination, being the first beach resort in Sta. Elena.

Segundo Solano, (President of the Mauricio del Pezo Committee), stressed that the population of Ballenita is very united and attentive to ensure that their requirements, which have been a cause of struggle for years, advance and are met within acceptable time frames.

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