
PAST EVENT: This event took place in February 2012. For more information on the LATIN AMERICAN RECYCLER NETWORK, please follow the links below:

For more information and contacts:
Mail: comunicacion@redrecicladores.net
Twitter: @RedLacre
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Red-Latinoamericana-Recicladores

The city of Managua, capital of Nicaragua, will host the annual Latin American Recycling Summit during the month of February, an event promoted by the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Recyclers (Red LACRE).

From February 20 to 25, nearly 200 representatives from 21 countries will meet to define policies for this year and promote the exchange of experiences that will strengthen local initiatives.

The appointment will consist of two elements:

1. First Central American Meeting of Recyclers (February 20 and 21)

2. The installation of two assemblies, one that will include only the recycling leaders (22 and 23 February) and a plenary session (on 24 and 25 February) that will be open and intended to be a space for collective exchange.

The countries participating in the recycler meeting will be from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Recyclers are workers who collect, select, recover, transform, market and reuse solid waste, as part of the first link in the marketing and material recovery chain.

The recycler makes a living from this trade, generating income by selling the material he recovers by walking the streets in search of solid waste that citizens discard or by collecting it in landfills in different cities.