
An effective and practical tool for Responsible Consumers is now available to help them choose which brands to buy. This is the Think Climate project, which offers a ranking of companies according to their behavior in the face of climate change, grouping the final results into 3 categories: the most advanced (“think about the climate”), those that are still doing nothing about it (“do not think about the climate”) and those that could do better. Remember that as a consumer you can use your money according to your principles. It is in your hands the ability to let companies know what matters to you.

Piensa en Clima analysed 46 companies (those with the highest sales volume) in 8 consumer sectors (food distribution, mobile phones, textiles and fashion, household appliances, personal computers, personal hygiene and cosmetics, home cleaning and home fashion), using 22 indicators to determine the following aspects of the companies' behaviour:
1. If they are fully measuring their carbon emissions, 
2. If they have and demonstrate a clear commitment to climate change,
3. If they clearly and decisively reduce their impact on the climate and
4. If they report publicly and regularly on their objectives, actions and reductions.
The final data divides companies into three groups: These are some of the data on companies with a positive rating and those that do not think about the climate according to the study: (Several of the products of these companies are sold globally, including Ecuador).
MOBILE TELEPHONY: Nokia is the most prominent, ahead of Sony Mobile, Samsung, LG and Apple.
HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES: Phillips is the most conscious company, ahead of Sony, Electrolux, Samsung, Sharp, BSH. 
Teka, does not think about the weather.
PERSONAL COMPUTERS: Fujitsu heads the list, which is completed by HP, Toshiba, Lenovo, Dell, Asus, Apple and Acer.
HOME CLEANING: Unilever is the most prominent, ahead of Reckitt Benckiser, Johnson Wax, Henkel and Procter&Gamble.
PERSONAL HYGIENE AND COSMETICS: Unilever is in the lead, followed by Lóreal and Procter&Gamble.
Coty and Puig don't think about the climate.
HOME FASHION: Inditex leads, followed by Ikea.
Conforama, La Oca and Casa do not think about the climate.
TEXTILE AND FASHION: Inditex leads, followed by Mango, C&A, H&M.
FOOD DISTRIBUTION: Carrefour consolidates its position as the company most attentive to climate change.
Lidl, don't think about the climate. 
Mango, Fujitsu, Sony Mobile and Acer are the companies that have made the most progress on climate change, and none of the companies have been rated worse in 2011 than in 2010. Piensaenclima offers all companies a roadmap to make progress in managing climate change and thus respond to consumer concerns.
In this way, the “Thinkclimate” Project offers clear, simple and objective information so that consumers and citizens can, with their purchasing decisions, recognize the work of companies concerned about climate change and, through the same system, induce those who do not pay attention to a globally recognized problem to modify their environmental behavior.
The complete results and the methodology used are available on the project website: Think about climate , there is even a mobile application that you can find at Google Play

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