
Image: ACDesign

During this week (September 17-25), an International Action against the Biological Risks of GMOs is taking place all over the world. Guayaquil joins this global action; for this reason, activist, agricultural, environmental and social organizations will participate on Friday 21 in a sit-in that will take place outside the offices of Ecuaquímica (Monsanto distributor in Ecuador).

  • What is a transgenic? 

It is a living organism that has been artificially created by manipulating its genes through genetic engineering. This is a process that can only be done in a laboratory. No farmer can obtain transgenic seeds through conventional genetic improvement methods.
For example, you can put genes from viruses, bacteria and scorpions 
in corn plants. And even human genes in rice plants.
The result is a TRANSGENIC.
  • Why Monsanto?
The multinational Monsanto is the largest global company in the marketing of genetically modified organisms. Monsanto controls a large part of the world's seed supply (and therefore food) at the expense of a global food democracy.
Many of the derivative products containing Monsanto GMOs are freely sold in our country, without even being labeled, despite the fact that the constitution states that "The State shall regulate, under strict biosecurity standards, the use and development of modern biotechnology (read GMOs) and its products, as well as their experimentation, use and commercialization."
  • Why Ecuador?
Ecuador will join this Great Day of Protest, because even though our Constitution states (with the support of the majority of voters) that “Ecuador is declared free of transgenic crops and seeds,” the President of Ecuador has stated (possibly due to the strong lobbying carried out by the business) that it is necessary to open “a great national debate to decide scientifically whether transgenic foods are or are not dangerous to health and to make the constitutional norm more flexible.” (Note that he is only just inviting the debate, but he is already talking about making the norm more flexible.)
This intention to open the doors to GMOs in Ecuador happens coincidentally after the research and products of these companies were expelled from several European countries at the beginning of the year due to strong social protests.
In Guayaquil – Ecuador, a sit-in will be held on Friday, September 21, starting at 3:30 p.m. outside the offices of Ecuaquímica - a Monsanto distributor. (Av. José Santiago Castillo S/N and Av. Juan Tanca Marengo).
  • What do we demand?
1. That the Constitution of Ecuador be respected, where “Ecuador is declared free of transgenic crops and seeds.” 
2. Label products containing GMOs that are freely sold in all markets and supermarkets in the country. NOW!!!
At the protest, information and flyers will be distributed to interested persons.
You can bring t-shirts to paint.
You can bring your own signs with anti-GMO messages.
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