Category Archives: noticias

Since July 1st, there is a ban on dorado fishing

Photo: Undersecretary of Fisheries of Ecuador This coming July 1st and until the 7th [...]

The New Aquarium of Valdivia, another joke in bad taste

What seemed to be the fulfillment of one of the wishes of the commune of [...]

Community demands the rescue of the Tablazo Hill in Santa Elena

The issue of exploitation and over-exploitation for many years of the Cerro «El Tablazo» in [...]

FAE disputes more than 10,000 hectares of land with the San Antonio and Engabao Communes

"They will take us out of here dead, no matter how military they are, we will not let [...]

Whale makes his voice respected. Theme: Glorieta

The Mayor of Sta. Elena while committing to the community of Ballenita to maintain Glorieta [...]

Rejection and indignation in Ballenita over the possible loss of the Glorieta.

The Glorieta de Ballenita, a tourist icon of this community for more than 50 years and [...]

Spondylus route within Ecuador's new macro-tourism plan

The Spondylus route, along with the Iron route “In the Center of the World”, [...]


Press Release of the Ecosol Foundation. Through this press release we inform the [...]

600 hectares will be reforested in Chongón-Colonche

A reforestation process with native plants in the Chongón-Colonche mountain range forest and [...]

Workshop on the Rehabilitation of the Estero Salado

Photo: Rafael Valdiviezo The 3-day workshop is being held at the [...]