
Photo: Rafael Valdiviezo

The 3-day workshop is being held in the Technology Area of ESPOL's Gustavo Galindo Campus (km 30.5 on the Perimetral), and is attended by national and international experts from the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA).

At the beginning of the event, Paul Geerders (NIVA) highlighted that the rehabilitation of the Estero Salado must encompass economic, socio-cultural, demographic and ecological aspects as a whole, and involve the interventions of many institutions in order to have a correct diagnosis and contribute to new solutions.

Eng. Maria Teresa Palomino, (Environment, Guayaquil Municipality), highlighted the control of industrial polluting sources, which includes three axes: industrial cadastre, environmental control of industries and non-industrial sources, and legal regulations. It has been determined that nearly 300 industries require environmental regulations.

In addition, aspects related to the role of the industry in pollution control and the recovery of the Salado estuary were also discussed by Engineer Guido Yánez, legal aspects to be considered for the recovery of the Salado estuary by Engineer Juan Carlos Blum and Management of the collection of floating solid waste by Engineer Fabián Castillo.

The meeting will last until tomorrow, where municipal, university and NIVA experts, as well as representatives of Interagua, Inocar, the Ministry of Environment and non-governmental organizations, will share experiences of the work they are doing to rehabilitate the Salado estuary.

Source: Environmental Department of the MI Municipality of Guayaquil.

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