Category Archives: noticias

Artists from Guayaquil show their support for the Amazonian peoples in Resistencia (Ecuador)

Thamé Teatro de Artesanos (Resistencia) Dozens of artists showed through music, performance and [...] ; New portal dedicated to tourism on the Spondylus Route

A new web portal dedicated exclusively to showcasing the tourist offer of Santa Elena will be [...]

Community Consultation on Mining: Nearly 93% of those consulted are opposed

For the first time in Ecuador, a prior consultation on mining exploitation was carried out. Residents of [...]

Cars freely enter the beaches despite regulations.

Despite the fact that the use of vehicles on the beaches is prohibited, despite [...]

Alternative Forum on Climate Change takes place until tomorrow

Until October 2, the Alternative Forum on the [...]

Ecuadorian government announces new oil round. Indigenous nationalities declare resistance.

In September 2010, the Ecuadorian government announced its plans to expand the oil frontier [...]

Mayor of Santa Elena discusses current status of projects with the community of Ballenita

In a meeting held a few days ago and attended by Otto Vera [...]

Santa Elena in the sights of monocultures for biofuel production.

Ecuador has identified 400,000 hectares suitable for crops from which it plans to produce biofuels, [...]

Marine materials with potential in medicine

Mussel glue helps heal surgical woundsThe glue used by mussels helps heal surgical wounds.

SRP intensifies control of bans

The Undersecretariat of Fisheries Resources of MAGAP guarantees controls for compliance with the [...]