Category Archives: agricultura organica

Why are genetically modified crops a threat to farmers, food sovereignty, health and agro-biodiversity?

* On behalf of La Via Campesina, this document was delivered to Pope Francis, the [...]

The Seed Route. From ancestral knowledge to peasant practices.

The Chilean documentary “La Ruta de las Semillas” helps to reveal, share and strengthen the [...]

Why Europe kicked out genetically modified crops from its fields

 19 countries in the European Union have banned genetically modified crops from their fields due to [...]

Ecuador: State and multinationals against traditional seeds

 "Just as the (Ecuadorian) State is a partner of Syngenta, Monsanto, Agripac and Ecuaquímica, it should be [...]

Healthy Food and Food Sovereignty will bring together thousands of people.

The largest and most important Agroecological Fair in Ecuador will take place this Friday, October 16th.

Denmark, the first country in the world to have 100% organic agriculture

Denmark will be the first country in the world to have organic farming by law. The [...]