
By: Shirma Nua

With a resounding NO, the bases of the nationalities and indigenous organizations of the Ecuadorian Amazon gave their statement against the state oil policy and the intention of the National Government to implement the XI oil round in their territories.

On Tuesday, February 7, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) convened the bases of the indigenous peoples, nationalities and organizations of Orellana, Pastaza and Morona Santiago to a workshop for socialization, information, discussion and agreements regarding the extractive threat that the government wants to implement in the southeastern part of the Amazon region.

After a full day of meeting the following resolution was reached:

The Achuar Nationality of Ecuador (NAE), the Shiwiar Nationality of Ecuador (NASHIE), the Sápara Nation of Ecuador (NASE), the Shuar Nation of Ecuador (NASHE), the Ancestral People of HUITO, the Kichwa People of Sarayacu, the Huaorani Women's Association of Ecuador (AMWAE), the Interprovincial Federation of Shuar Centers (FICSH), the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE), the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (COANIE) gathered in Puyo on the 7th of February 2012:

  • That the territories of the Indigenous Nationalities and Peoples are spaces of ancestral property and possession, in which we have lived collectively since before the constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.
  • That our philosophy of life is based on the spiritual relationship we have with the forests and all the beings that live there. If these networks are destroyed, the soul dies as does the life of all nationalities.
  • That the “good living” described in the Constitution of the Republic can only be built from an understanding of the language of nature.
  • That a new model of Plurinational State based on community ownership, democracy, participation, life, Human Rights, Collective Rights and harmony with Nature is viable.
  • Our worldview is based on the principle of preserving the remaining tropical forests and consequently contributes to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
In exercise of our self-determination and our collective rights enshrined in the Constitution, international instruments and secondary legislation.

To the National Government:
  • We demand that the oil policy that is to be implemented in our territories through the XI oil round aimed at the exploration and exploitation of 21 oil blocks in the provinces of Orellana, Pastaza and Morona Santiago be revoked.
  • We demand respect for our territorial rights to ensure that we retain the imprescriptible, unseizable and indivisible ownership of our community territories.
  • We demand that the proposal of the Indigenous Nationalities of Orellana, Pastaza and Morona Santiago for a perpetual moratorium on oil activity in our territories be respected in respect of our worldview, our collective rights and the rights of nature.
  • We support the proposal to preserve oil in the subsoil, the Yasuni-ITT Project; the funds generated by this project must be used to benefit the communities in the area of influence of the project.
To the Ministry of Non-Renewable Resources, the Provincial Hydrocarbons Undersecretariats and other entities:
  • We prohibit them from making contact with the organizations and from entering our communities and we demand that they respect our right to self-determination and our decision to say NO to oil activity.

To the Decentralized Autonomous Governments (Provincial Councils, Municipalities and Parish Councils) of Orellana, Pastaza and Morona Santiago:

  • To abide by the resolutions we have taken as Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples and not to promote the entry of any socio-political actors or operators who attempt to promote oil activity in our territories.
To state and private oil companies:
  • Do not make investments in our ancestral territories, because these are illegal and affect collective rights and the rights of nature.

To the National and International Community:

  • We call upon the communities that are being affected by oil activities to share their unfavorable experience with the Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples of Pastaza and Morona Santiago and to jointly denounce the socio-environmental problems that afflict them before national and international public opinion.
  • We call upon civil society, national and international non-governmental and indigenous organizations to accompany, be part of and show solidarity with the indigenous peoples and nationalities of Orellana, Pastaza and Morona Santiago.
  • We express our solidarity and support all processes of struggle and resistance that peoples, nationalities and communities are carrying out at national and international levels against extractive activities that threaten territorial rights, the rights of nature and food sovereignty.
The central-southern Amazon is ours! We propose clean energy for good living… Join now

Our fight is the Good Story of tomorrow, Sowing before reaping is changing our behavior in the face of global warming.

  • Germán Freire (President of the Achuar Nationality of Ecuador)
  • Fernando Santi (President of the Shiwiar Nationality of Ecuador)
  • Basilio Mucushiwa (President of the Sapara Nation of Ecuador)
  • Manuel Maiche (President of the Shuar Nationality of Ecuador)
  • Stalin Tzamarent (Parliamentarian of the Interprovincial Federation of Shuar Centers of Ecuador)
  • José Gualinga (President of the Kichwa People of Sarayacu)
  • Darío Jaramillo (President of the Ancestral People of Huito)
  • Manuela Ima (President of the Waorani Women's Association of Ecuador)
  • Tito Pueanchir (President of the Confeniae)
  • Pepe Acacho (Vice President of CONAIE)
At the press conference held in Puyo, the leaders of the different organizations and nationalities together with the vice president of CONAIE, Pepe Acacho and the president of Confeniae, Tito Pueanchir made their resolution public and immediately organized themselves with the workshop participants to march towards the Pastaza Governorate and the Coordinating Office of the Hydrocarbons Secretariat in Puyo to formally deliver the resolution.

The march, which took place along the main streets of Puyo, also included the participation of the city's mestizo population and, amidst slogans, the longed-for respect for life and the defense of territories was expressed. (Sh. N.)

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