
In countries like Brazil and Argentina (photo) they are moving forward
research for sustainable development
of mariculture
. Photo: www.cgera.org.ar

Within the joint work carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries together with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) , which seeks to establish a “Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Mariculture in Ecuador” was held The Institutional Workshop “The Experience of Public Management of Mariculture in Brazil” was held, given by Felipe M. Suplicy, Brazilian specialist with extensive experience in marine aquaculture.

Topics related to the identification and characterization of scientific information, technology, market, institutionality, regulatory framework, environmental aspects, identification of sites with the greatest potential for mariculture development, methodology for an awareness program with coastal communities regarding the various socio-economic benefits associated with mariculture, financing policies, among others, aim, together with recommendations given by the expert, to implement government policies that promote the cultivation of marine species that guarantee long-term sustainability; as well as the case of Brazil, where the activity is consolidated and represents millions of dollars for the local economy.

For this reason, MAGAP develops workshops on “The Experience of Small-Scale Mariculture in Brazil”, aimed at artisanal fishermen from coastal communities, students, teachers and those interested in this activity, which are held in the provinces of El Oro, Guayas, Santa Elena, Manabí and Esmeraldas. (To check the date of the workshops, please contact the provincial office of this State Secretariat).

This work aims to encourage the community to cultivate marine species that have commercial value, taking advantage of our natural resources in a responsible manner, and at the same time, promote the beginning of an alternative socioeconomic development for the communities, according to a bulletin from the Ministry.

Among the species with development potential in Ecuador are mollusks such as oysters, black scallops, mussels; fish such as snapper, corvina, sea bass, sole, huayaipe; crustaceans such as shrimp crab, and some algae that are of commercial interest.