Press Release of the Ecosol Foundation. Through this press release we inform the [...]

600 hectares will be reforested in Chongón-Colonche

A reforestation process with native plants in the Chongón-Colonche mountain range forest and [...]

Red Book of Ecuadorian Mammals

Now available in online (free) and print formats, one of the most important contributions [...]

Traveling can change the world. PROJECT: Are you serious?

The Are You Serious? project was born in early 2010 and brings together young people from [...]

Harpy Eagle. Chronicle of a reinsertion into the heart of the jungle

PHOTO: Enrique de la Montaña/SIMBIOE After a recovery process that took more than [...]

Getting ready for 2012

Remember that we are all ONE and that the shockwave of our thoughts, emotions and [...]

ARTISAN FISHERMAN: The Lord of the Sea

By Pedro Vincent Bowen Etymologically, the cholo is defined as the man “descended from the Spanish mestizo”. [...]

Tips to avoid becoming a victim of Internet fraud

Image: With this article, with which we close the Citizen Security week, we focus on [...]

Turn off your lights today for “Earth Hour”

 The "Earth Hour" event has already begun in some cities around the world and is [...]

Workshop on the Rehabilitation of the Estero Salado

Photo: Rafael Valdiviezo The 3-day workshop is being held at the [...]